A childcare facility in Missouri hired Timberline Tax Group in March 2018 for overall account protection from enforced collection action and to help with a resolution on the liabilities owed for their individual and business accounts. The Internal Revenue Service had been firmly leaning on the business owners personally, as well as the business. While the Associate was in negotiations on the business account with the Revenue Officer over a period of a few weeks, the personal account also received a full assessment and evaluation. While awaiting final resolution on the business account from the Revenue Officer, the Associate focused on the personal account and was able to successfully negotiate the personal account into a Currently Not Collectible status due to lack of funds, on a total liability of $92,472.39. This allowed the client to move forward on the personal account without fear of enforced collection action, and it has the potential to save the client additional money due to allowing the Collection Expiration Dates to expire.